
A healthy lifestyle could prevent up to 80 percent of heart attacks

A healthy lifestyle could prevent up to 80 percent of heart attacks

The results of a recent study conducted in Sweden, let things clear: neither the latest technology can produce a magic pill that would prevent infarction. To avoid this, must commit to having healthy habits to help with heart health: such as quitting smoking, maintain a proper weight, exercise and a balanced diet. The researchers say that, following these guidelines, 4 5 heart attacks could be prevented.

A recent study published in the September issue of the journal of the American College of Cardiology invited changed five habits to avoid a heart attack. According to the researchers, if these guidelines are followed, they could avoid four of every five heart attacks in men.

What are these habits? Follow a balanced diet, exercise, stop smoking, maintaining a healthy weight and drink in moderation. Let's see how they came to these conclusions.

A group of researchers led by Agneta Ã…kesson, Associate Professor of the Institute of environmental medicine at the Karolinska Institute at Solana, Sweden, examined the medical records and surveys of more than 20,700 Swedish men aged 45 to 79 years of age in 1997. At that time, none of the participants had a history of cancer, heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure or high cholesterol. The researchers monitored them until 2009 to determine how they were in terms of health and in particular, had suffered a heart attack.

Eight per cent of men (1,724), practiced none of five healthy habits listed above, and 166 members of the group suffered a heart attack. Of all the participants, only one per cent (212) followed five healthy patterns of life, and 3 of them suffered a heart attack.

Based on these results, the researchers concluded that men of middle age onwards adopted the combination of these five healthy habits can prevent a first heart attack at 79 per cent. In addition, they found that each healthy habit reduced the risk of a heart attack by itself only. Those who followed a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts, dairy products low in fat, and whole grains, for example, reduced the risk of a first heart attack by 20 percent, compared with the group that did not follow any of the healthy habits.

The study involved only men, but the Professor Kasson is the co-author of a previous study which concluded that a healthy lifestyle has a similar effect in women.

Would you like to reduce your risk of having a heart attack? Then, no matter your gender, it is worthwhile to put into practice the following healthy habits to protect the health of your heart and all members of your family.

Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke. If until now you have not found a good reason to stop this habit so harmful, now you have it! Tobacco is one of the major risk factors of heart disease. If you stop smoking (and/or you adrenocortical your husband or your children to do so), in addition, you will avoid the risk of developing cancer of the lung or pulmonary disease (COPD) chronic obstructive and fighting those who live to your around the smoke of second hand (which is also harmful). And in a few years the risk of developing a heart disease will be reduced to the same level as for nonsmokers.
Get in motion. A sedentary lifestyle impairs throughout the body and especially the heart, so if you like any sport, not wait to practice this sport. Or it begins to incorporate some type of physical activity in your daily life. A walk of 20 minutes a day is an excellent start that gives you the same benefits as 75 minutes a week of more vigorous exercise (swimming, jogging or cycling). You decide. In addition to a happy heart, reduce stress, sleep better and improve your life expectancy.

Improve your diet. If you are in charge of the purchase of food and food preparation, leverages your authority in the kitchen to change your life and family - for the better, of course. Avoid processed, fried food and with excess sugar consumption. Instead, put emphasis on lean meats, fruits and fresh vegetables, whole grains and low fat dairy. When these foods are the Foundation of the menus in your home, you help all to control weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar level. The American Heart Association (American Heart Association) offers the following recommendations for a "healthy heart" diet: consume at least 4 to 5 cups of fruits and vegetables a day; fish at least twice a week; fiber-rich whole grains (such as rice or oats) daily. Salt? Reduce it to me

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